Your Higher Self


“By learning to trust your intuition, miracles seem to happen. Intuitive thoughts are gifts from your higher self”

I’ve been speaking to quite a few of you this month about envisioning you higher self. Something just dinged in me, & I knew I had to create a training in regards to this so we can all ‘envision our higher selves for the rest of 2024’ ;)

There are so many benefits to doing this, & i’m so excited to share how this will positively impact your life & your business.

My no1 thing I love about envisioning my higher self is giving me something to refer to when i’m in a time of struggle.

It really is a go to piece of paper when I need it, when I need the extra help, when i’m struggling to visualise, & when I can feel i’m about to make the wrong decision & go against my values & beliefs….. & my intuition.

I think now is a great time to do this, nearly mid way through the year bcus in Jan everyone wants to do too many things, &it’s actually a very overwhelming month for female entrepreneurs.

The BENEFITS of outlining your
Higher Self -

▾ Helps you visualise
▾ Helps you make better decisions
▾ Helps you take a step back & really think ‘is this right for me’
▾ Helps you stay in alignment with your Values & Beliefs
▾ Helps you stick up for yourself
▾ Helps you feel motivated
▾ Helps you create structure & organisation
▾ Helps you get through the hard times
▾ Helps you feel empowered
▾ Helps you feel more confident
▾ Helps keep you inspired
▾ Helps you keep the ‘right’ ppl alongside you
▾ Helps you say NO to what no longer serves you
▾ Helps you manifest what your higher self embodies
▾ Helps you increase your self worth
▾ Helps you stay in alignment

What I recommend you do is —
☼ Get a notebook or a piece of card or paper
Stick a photo of you in the middle of the page, or draw a symbol, or cut out something that symbolises your higher self (the visualisation technique below will also work going here too)
Pick how you would like to go about this practise, do a couple of questions everyday for 7 days, or do it all in one day

Then answer these questions below to help you fill in the white gaps all around the centre (you can also draw) —

(P.S. Not all these questions will relate to all of you, so you may not be able to answer them all, however i’m writing all that I can think of, so you all have enough written down)

What emotions do you want to feel for the rest of the year? - write all words that apply
What is something you’re struggling with that you want to move past this year? - write the word that symbolises you moving ‘past’ this
What do you truly value & believe in (if you haven’t done my Values & Beliefs training yet then click HERE & do this first)
What do you want to add into your routine?
☼ What do you want your relationships to look like this year?
☼ What do you want to be important to you this year?
☼ What is your health going to be like this year?
Positive words that make you smile
☼ What do you want to start sticking up for yourself about?
☼ What practical things are you going to do to make you feel happier on a daily basis for the rest of the year?
☼ What’s going to happen inside your brand this year for you?
What are you grateful for within your life?
☼ What are you manifesting this year?
What aspect of your mindset is holding you back or that you struggle with? - write the word that symbolises you moving ‘past’ this
What would you like to see come into fruition for you?
What do you want more of in your life?
What do you need to do to feel grounded?
What’s your fav Higher Self motivational quote?
What do you want to spend your spare time doing?
What hobbies are you going to do/start this year?
What will your home look like this year?
What’s your life onboard going to look like this year?
What will your Dream Audience get from you this year?
What’s the most important thing for you to implement into your life this year?
What’s the most important thing for you to implement into your business this year?
What will you become this year?

Others things you can do -

Colour code (you know i’ll be doing this ;))
Stick some images down, or stickers, or glitter, or dried flowers…..
Draw if you want

There are NO rules here ladies. I want you to look at your Highest Self on paper & see YOU

SHARE with your sisters.

SHARE with your sisters.

Please share your physical brainstorming with us inside our Sisterhood Private Lounge

Visualisation technique to accompany the above

Another great visualisation technique that can be done alongside this is visualise someone that represents all of these things you’ve listed.
Every time you go to make a decision, every time you go to go against your intuition, visualise WHO she is, would ‘X’ do this, what would ‘X’ do?
This really works with absolutely everything. I remember when I wanted to show up more online, when I wanted to step out of my comfort zone & put myself out there I visualised Beyonce. I visualised her in one of those sparkly high heeled outfits she always wears on stage, & I visualised every scenario I was playing in my head, & then questioning if Beyonce would do it, how would she show up, what would she do, what would her reaction be, what would she be thinking….. this really helped me get OUT of my own head & create the positive action I really wanted to create.

You can add an image of her to your desktop background, or to your phone background, cut out a photo of her from a magazine or a book or print one off & stick it on your mirror or at the end of your crew bunk ;)

You see what I mean, about her astounding CONFIDENCE ???

As female entrepreneurs & true carers about WHO we’re helping within our brands we can often put ourselves to the back burner. We can often forget, push our needs back, & put others needs at the forefront. We can often get stuck in a negative mindset, replaying the same negative thoughts over & over again, thoughts that are not good for us & are limiting our true potential.

We need to put ourselves first, so we can truly create from the heart & help our Dream Audiences.

Here are some other things you can do to visualise your highest self —

Get outside in nature.

& i’m not talking about just looking out your window, going out to your garden, or on the bow of the boat, i’m talking about getting ‘away’ from where you work, so you can’t see it lol! This will really allow you to tune inwards, think about ‘why’ you’re thinking a certain way, clear your mind, feel grateful for what you do have & all the wins you are making & help you visualise your higher self.


Journalling is not for everyone, however if you enjoy it or feel like you wana give it a go then journalling around your highest self is a great way to envision it & lead your day with a positive outlook at the forefront. Jour

Journal on -

☼ How you would like your day to go?
☼ What word are you taking through your day today?
☼ What have I done this month that's felt truly, authentically like I was being me?
☼ If I had no fear of failure or judgment, what passions & unique gifts do I have that I would love to share with the world?


Meditation is a great way for us to tune inwards, to take a pause from our go, go, go life as female entrepreneurs. It’s a great stress reliever, & helps us get ‘out’ of our head & ‘in’ to our body. We ALL need to do more of this.

If you haven’t already, visit Natalie of My Drift Wellness 7 day Chakra Meditation Challenge
My fav App for meditations, relaxing stories & relaxation music is Insight Timer.
You can also add our Sisterhood playlist Connect Within

Last summer I got myself into one hell of a hole, it was nothing to do with my business it was to do with my life, & our direction with our land biz & had a lot to do with money within that biz, cut it was literally taking every penny out of us & we we’re struggling to see how we could develop our plans of what we want to do on the land.
I lost myself, I was deep in worry, & highly stressed about the whole situation, I lost my glow for like a month. I stopped wearing clothes that made me feel good (& you know I LOVE CLOTHES), I was drinking more alcohol, I was eating shit, I was angry, shouting at Ryan, all the stuff that is so NOT Michelle! It was a very tough time for me.

With clothes in mind….
you all have those clothes that make you feel good, that make you smile, that when you’re wearing it you feel like the confident you, that when you see something similar in a store, or online or at a market you go omg that’s so me….

Something to do to show up as your Highest Self —

(accessories, shoes also included in this)

So what clothes are these things to you?

Think about -

Clothes are NOT just clothes. They are a symbol of ‘iconography’ if you don’t know what movie that’s from, I dunno if we can be friends hahahaha!! They really do show our personality, our values & beliefs, but ya know clothes are NOT for others, it’s for us to feel our Highest Self, to feel like we can conquer the world, when we put that outfit on, or those shoes, or that red lipstick it makes us feel like our most powerful self, our Highest Self.

Buy MORE clothes that make you feel like this!


X Clothes just bcus they’re in fashion
X Clothes just bcus they are ‘in’
X Clothes just bcus that’s what your friends always wear

X Clothes just bcus you’re proving a point (You can have a belief but that doesn’t mean it has to come between what your intuition is telling you, this is your inner calling, if a dress is calling you from an ad you see online which you absolutely cannot stop thinking about, but you think the women you ‘hang out’ with will turn their noses up at it - this is not the reason to NOT buy that dress.

X Clothes that will gain you attention from men
X Clothes bcus you feel it’s representing of your brand (remember, your brand is YOU, you dont need to wear your branding colours every single day lol)
X Clothes that help you feel a higher status
X Clothes that will help you ‘fit in’

X Clothes that will help you get noticed (this was the exact reason why I STOPPED being a personal shopper onboard to guests, 90% of guests are dressing for ‘status’ so they can be noticed, so they fit in, so other ppl know their worth - it made my stomach turn, & this was when I knew I had to change direction within a business idea)