7 day Meditation Challenge with Natalie

“Quiet the mind & the soul will speak”

“Meditation is a mindfulness practise that helps you quiet the chatter and noise going on in your mind and gives you a little break from the outside world!

A regular practice is a powerful tool for improving mental wellbeing by reducing stress and anxiety whilst increasing focus, clarity, empathy and self awareness. And the best thing is, you don't have to do it for hours at a time! Little and often is the way to go for us busy gals and you can STILL get all the benefits!


“I worked onboard yachts between 2016-2021, mostly as a service stew and then as a chief stew in the latter days - I then went land based for an UHNW family before focusing on my brand fully in 2023! 

I feel like I had a bit of a split life in terms of my career! On one hand I loved the fast paced and rewarding hard work that yachting brought, but on the other hand I loved my yoga, meditation and looking after my health and wellbeing.  I went on various retreats during my time off, got into such a great practise then …as soon as the season started it was gone with the wind haha

I have always been quite open with the fact I’ve struggled with my mental health, particularly anxiety, which became worse during certain times in my yachting career. 

At the beginning of 2020 I did my first Yoga Teacher training in India and that was when I started to really bring my practise into my daily life.  I returned to yachts and went through phases of regular  practice and times when it fell away. I noticed a dramatic difference in my mental health, my productivity and my general state of mind when I stuck to my practice onboard. Now, I feel my life has changed completely and I rarely experience anxiety the way I used to!

This is why I want to help others do the same !”

Natalie of My Drift Wellness

This 7 day challenge is a great place to start with 1. Getting into a regular meditation practice and 2. Getting to know your chakras and starting to work on balancing them out!

Whether you’re new to meditation or are looking to get back into your practice, perhaps you want to repeat this every week for the month to really build a foundation practice.

Or maybe after the 7 days you feel ready to explore other types of meditation. Hopefully, after this challenge you will realise you do not need to meditate for a long period of time every day to feel the benefits!


Below are clickable links so you can start your 7 day challenge & start implementing a healthy meditation practise into your life









Chakras are the 7 main energy centres in our bodies that are believed to influence our physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

They are each located in different parts of our body and each associated with a colour and types of energy. Chakras can each become imbalanced or blocked, and their energy changes within us all the time.

If you are constantly moving around and not feeling settled, maybe your Root chakra will become imbalanced. If you are having a creative block in your business, it could indicate your Sacral chakra is imbalanced etc etc. Ongoing blockages and imbalances can lead to physical and emotional issues, so learning to work with your chakras and learning to balance them can lead to a greater sense of fulfilment and harmony in your life! (See below for more info)

Root Chakra - Located at the base of the spine
(Grounding, Safety, Foundation, Survival, Courage etc)

Sacral Chakra - Located in our womb space
(Emotions, Self-respect, Creativity, Sensuality, Inspiration)

Solar Plexus Chakra - Located at the stomach area
(Energy, Vitality, Power, Action, Positivity)

Heart Chakra - Located at you guessed it the heart / centre of our chest
(Love, Compassion, Empathy, Joy, Peace)

Throat Chakra - Located in our neck
(Communication, Self expression, Truth, Listening

Third Eye Chakra - Located between our eyebrows
(Intuition, Vision, Wisdom, Imagination)

Crown Chakra - Located at the very top of our head
(Spirituality, Transcendence, Connection to Higher Power, Pure Bliss)

Connect with Natalie.

My Drift Wellness is all about helping yacht crew build their own wellness toolkit with practices that are short, simple and easy to stick to during the busy seasons (which is when they need it the most!).

It's all about filling your own cup up first with self care practices so you are able to look after others at a high standard without the burn out and emotional exhaustion!

Natalie is launching her offering VERY SOON !


Listen to up a happy beat, with one of my Sisterhood playlists.


Read, learn & expand your mindset with Sisterhood’s list of recommended books.


Work with me 1-1 & let’s make your brand everything you dreamed of & more.