What makes your Soul Shine?

This 1-1 is for you if you have that entrepreneurial feeling inside, but you don’t know what to start a business within. It’s for you if you want to have purpose in your life, & build your entrepreneurial journey around this.

In just 10 weeks you will go from feeling lost, to feeling inspired, motivated, & driven.

Are you ready to begin this enlightening journey, & find what lights up your soul?

Be ready to

☼ Do a deep uncovering & discovering of who you are

☼ Step outside of your comfort zone

☼ Discover aligned business ideas

☼ Have direction

☼ Make decisions in alignment with you

☼ Feel inspired & motivated in life again

☼ Discover your purpose

My 1-1 is for you if-

My 1-1 is for you if-

☼ You have that entrepreneurial feeling inside but no clue what business to start with

☼ You want to work for yourself doing something you absolutely love

☼ You don’t feel connected to who you are anymore

☼ You’re feeling very unfulfilled with your life

☼ Your life is lacking meaning & purpose

☼ You have little inner guidance

☼ You have 100 ideas, with no clarity

☼ You’re feeling lost

☼ You no longer know who you are

My Soul Shine course IS for you no matter where you are in your life, yachting, OR business journey.

You want to just create a business for the money, or because you think it’s easy, or because everyone else is doing it.

My Soul Shine 1-1 is NOT for you IF…

Clarity comes from action not thought.
Be ready to get your hands dirty, dig deep & uncover things, get curious, & be one’hella inspired.

I was exactly where you are.

I was exactly where you are.

I was exactly where you are.

I created my Soul Shine 1-1 because when I was onboard I was always thinking of what business I could start. I had loads of ideas, but nothing felt right to actually start with, nothing gave me that deep soul fulfilling feeling.

I remember detailing the guest fridges with a fellow stew, & we were constantly trying to think of business ideas… I did this for years, not getting anywhere.

The thing is, I was literally expecting ‘the idea’ to just land in my head lol - as if by magic! & of course, it didn’t.

This is why I have created this 1-1. To connect the dots of your life, & highlight to you the many different business directions you can go in, to uncover your story & how much potential you have, to show you the connection between everything, & the power of your story.

I’m here to show you how incredible you are, how you CAN be an entrepreneur, how you’re so much more than your yacht job role, & how you can change the lives of others within a business that is aligned to you.

Here’s the phases you will go through

☼ A re-discovering of you - in depth questions that help you uncover
☼ Your Story - Outline what you have been through in your life
☼ Your story roundup - this is where you have a 1-1 call with myself

☼ What lights up your soul
☼ What you’re doing for others
☼ Aligned Human Design reading
☼ 1-1 motivation call with myself to set goals, & make a plan for the rest of the year

☼ Simplify & organise
☼ Get curious. Be inspired
☼ Unlimited access to our Aligned & Thriving Sisterhood

Uncover who you are, & discover aligned business directions.
Your Purpose Filled life is waiting for you.

Time is precious, don’t waste yours


How long is this 1-1?

It’s around 10 weeks in duration. This can go over slightly depending on your schedule, & how long my email roundups take.

What do I need to be able to do the course?

You need an A4 notebook, some highlighters, internet access & a Google account as throughout the course you will be directed to view & fill in Google pages.

How many 1-1 calls do I have, & how does this work?

You have 2x 1-1 calls with myself. One at the end of month 1 & one at the end of month 2 (approx 120mins each, via Zoom Mon-Fri 10am-2pm GMT+1). These get scheduled at the very beginning before you start the course.

Is there a payment plan available?

You can pay all in one, or via 2 payments, & even more if you need it, I don’t want this to be a barrier between you finding what truly lights you up or not. However there is a surcharge for a payment plan bcus it goes through a payment provider who add their own additional charges.

How do I receive my Human Design reading?

You will receive your Human design reading via PDF, this is a detailed doc on YOU, how you can live in alignment & start making aligned decisions. This will be your guiding light
I explain this to you & reference it throughout month 2. I need your DOB, exact birth time & location.