

“Insta is really pushing short form video content for a reason”

It’s no secret that Insta is going down the short form video content route; & if we don’t jump on this bandwagon now, we are going to get left behind as & when Insta evolves (which we all know is at a quick rate!)

I have created this challenge, to make creating Reels less daunting - MORE FUN!

I will help you create Reels that align with who you are as a person, & the type of Reels you actually want to be creating (no copying, no comparing).

We all (including me) need to start being consistent with creating Reels. That means posting the same amount consistently every single week.

*Take part in this challenge with me inside the Sisterhood Private Lounge in March, or take part in your own time (i’m sure i will do many of these accountability challenges, bcus i think they’re so important)

For 4 days I want you to write down everything you do within your day, including the times; Day 1 on one page, Day 2 on another page etc etc - from spending 30 mins eating breakfast, to scrolling your phone for an hour, then brushing your teeth, then drinking a coffee, before you start work etc & all the way through

Please write down exactly what you actually do in your days, not how you want them to be, bcus the point of this is that we wana be creating content aligned with our lifestyles, so we can create that LIFE/work balance

Please read this workbook, & of course if you don’t have a printer, make notes in your notebook.
Here is the link to the 'How to Feel Accomplished' Workbook

Take a photo of your notes from the 4 days & attach them as a post in our Sisterhood Private Lounge (hosted on the Discord app) I will go through for each of you, & recommend how many posts I think you should be doing per week, in regards to what your business & brand is (we will talk about this, & I may have some further questions for you)

We will make sure together this amount is aligned to you.

By the end of the weekend you will know how many Reels you are going to consistently create every week

P.S. This amount will not be unrealistic, it will be achievable to you, & unique to your brand

Now that you have worked out how many Reels you will be creating consistently every week, we are going to move onto what ‘type’ of Reels you want to be creating. The reason we are doing this is bcus it’s so easy to compare yourself to all the incredible Reel creators on your Explore page, the ones that combine 100 photos in one, who do amazing transitions, who lip sink for days, & who’s dance skills are like those of an RnB music vid' - WE DON’T WANT TO BE CREATING THEM!

You want to be creating Reels that are YOU.

Reels that show your personality, who you are, or what you do.

After all, your Dream Audience want to see YOU, if you are solely copying someone else’s Reels style, & that is not you in the slightest, yes, you may attract them bcus of that Reel BUT you will not hold their attention for very long bcus as soon as they click on your Insta or go on your website, they’re guna see you are a completely diff person, & that’s not why they clicked on that Reel.

OR you just might feel so overwhelmed by creating Reels that you’re just not going there !
(not guna lie, this is me a lot of the time!)

Okay so what you wana do is firstly look at the two diff types of content that every brand needs….


Let’s think specifically for Insta.
Grab an A4 notebook, & on one side write Personality, & on the other write Education

Personality posts

Are ones where you are showing & sharing stories about YOU that relate to your Dream Audience.
(Your pillars come into this bcus they help you break these up, which we are doing next month inside this membership)

Write down a list of things that make you YOU, & that your Dream Audience also relate too. (if you’re unsure on who exactly your Dream Audience is right now, just write down things you love, & what makes you YOU)

Some questions to help you out -

What do you do on the weekend?
How did you get to where you are now?
What do you do after work?
What do you believe in & value in your day to day/life?
What do you enjoy?
Why did you create your product or service?
Why did you start what you’re doing?
What makes you smile?
Why did you choose certain colours?
What do you love?
What inspires & motivates you?

Education posts

Are ones where you are showing your Dream Audience what it is you are good at, why you are good at it, if they were looking for someone who did what you do, why would they go with you? (omg i feel like that was super wordy, sorry lol)

Some questions to help you write this -

What is it you do?
How do you help others?
What is your offering?
Why are you their go-to?
What do you sell?
What is your product or service?
Why are you good at what you do?
What experience do you have?
(i.e. what is the business side of your brand, the money making side?)

The above is also how you figure out what Reels you want to make.

As i said above, all content throughout your brand should be a mix of Personality, & Education.

You want your Dream Audience to connect to you = Personality!
You want them to know you are good at what you do = Education!

Now that you have made notes on the above; do you think you’d prefer to create Reels in the Personality column, or the Education column?

By Phase 4, you know how many Reels you’re creating per week, & what type of Reels you’re creating…..

Who are you?

Make some notes on what your personality is, who are you? Ask your friends & family too, how do they describe you?

Are you silly, outgoing, love to explore, to the point, introverted, extroverted, quiet, enthusiastic, goofy, serious, positive, faithful, confident, clever, chatty, friendly, funny, generous…..

You want to align how you do everything within your brand to who you are as a person, bcus these things will come easier to you, which creates more ease in your life.

Now that you’ve decided on creating Personality or Education Reels (or a combo of both) make sure that whichever you choose actually shows who you are as a person, make sure it’s YOU!

It’s not about pushing yourself so far out your comfort zone that you’re no longer yourself; e.g. if you’re an introvert, doing a dance Reel may be your worst nightmare - this is a good realisation bcus you don’t wana be creating things that aren’t you anyway, bcus the whole point of a personal brand is to show your DA who you are, who you really are!!

Even though you may know you are e.g. Confident, by writing down a list of words that describe who you are, this will outline so much more, & make you feel damn proud of yourself at the same time :) You can then look at this list everytime you go to make Reel & make sure it’s YOU!

The way you can stay consistent is by creating Reels that are YOU!

Write this list in your notebook so you can keep looking back at it + add it as a comment on your post

Do you want to create reels more in the Education box or Personality box?
Look at your personality in words.

Now scroll the Reels explore page for some inspo created by others, that align with what you have outlined for yourself above.

Save them (by clicking the 3 dots on the right hand side, underneath the send key)
As you are being inspired, write more ideas that spring to mind under your Education & Personality categories.

Let me know if you have any questions about any of the above,
Lots of love, Michelle x