Your Dream Audience


“When you speak to everyone, you speak to no one”

Like the incredible quote above, “when you speak to everyone, you speak to no one” & this is exactly right; keep repeating this to yourself because it is absolute GOLD!

The more DEFINED you are with your Dream Audience, the MORE you know who you’re speaking to which means the MORE specific you can be with your content, marketing, customer journey, sales processes, etc


P.S. If you’ve already super defined your DA with me in my mentoring programme, scroll to the bottom of this page ;)

Finding your Dream Audience is one of the most crucial steps when creating a brand. Without it, you are aiming at EVERYONE, rather than speaking specifically to a small group. Ladies, by getting more specific, this will only benefit you in so many ways!

Reasons you should define your Dream Audience -

So you know who you’re speaking to
It helps you better understand how & what content to create
It helps you focus on their specific needs, not the entire worlds
It ensures you are creating offerings that only benefits them
You will see amazing results when you are specific

So, how do you work this out?

Get as specific as you possibly can with WHO your business is for; fill out the below -

▾ How old are they? What age group do they fit into?
▾ What gender are they?
▾ Where do they live? Try & break down into cities/towns
▾ How much money do they earn? What income bracket are they in?
▾ What job do they do? What stage are they at within this?
▾ What are their spending habits?
▾ What interests do they have?
▾ What are their hobbies? What do they like doing in their spare time?
▾ What are their desires?
What motivates them?

This is for the women who have already completed the Dream Audience section under Brand Awareness in my Mentoring Programme

(& for the rest of you to do once you’ve completed the workbook above) Also HERE

You’ve really defined exactly who your Dream Audience is.
You know exactly who they are, what they do, what they like, where they shop, how much money they earn, what stage they’re at in their life, where they want to go, what they want to be (omg & so much more)……

This is your reminder -

To think of them every single time you go & do anything within your brand.
It’s so easy for us to lose track of what our social media platforms we’ve chosen are for, we sometimes get sidetracked, busy, post for no reason, unintentionally copy someone else etc.

But the most important thing you can do to GROW your brand & your biz (the €€€€), is to always think if what you’re going to post or create is going to relate to your Dream Audience

▾ Is it going to relate to them?
▾ Is it going to help them?
▾ Will they connect to it?
▾ Is it solving a problem of theirs?
▾ Is it going to turn their day around into a better one?
▾ Is it solving a struggle of theirs?

Of course, the above is seen through a mix of Personality & Education content. Did you do my Batch Content Creation Training in May? It’s HERE if not!

Remember, only post if it’s doing the above - you are only creating content for your Dream Audience, no one else!

Like I always say defining & knowing your Dream Audience is one of the MOST, if not THE MOST important aspect of creating a brand & building a successful business. Below is a Desktop Wallpaper template for you to fill out aspects about your DA so they always stay at the forefront of your mind.
Design it in line with your brand & who your DA is, & set it as your background :)