
In short, manifestation is about seeing your dreams become your reality.

However, it’s not just going to happen overnight, & definitely not going to happen by just sitting on the crew sofa! What manifestation does require is a set of steps, that help you believe, & envision these tangible dreams turning into your reality.

Manifesting is making everything you want to feel, & experience a reality; via your thoughts, actions, beliefs, & emotions.

You're also probably wondering why I'm getting you to start this now?

& that's bcus this will help you along your journey to discovering what truly lights you up, it's very similar to gratitude, & works in similar ways, by you manifesting, having a more positive energy, being excited inside about what the future holds (or what's just around the corner) you are more open to receiving what you're manifesting.

As explained in the video this needs to be done 'consistently', & that's why I'm sharing this with you at this very stage.

“Keep your mind fixed on what you DO want in your life, not on what you don’t want”

So many women just think manifesting is thinking about what they’d like in their life once in a while, however….. this is no way near often enough.
& there are actually diff ways in which you can manifest your dreams into your life depending on what is more aligned to you, these ways are -

☼ Speaking it
☼ Visualising it
☼ Writing it & make it
☼ Feeling it
☼ Smelling it - yep this works for some women hahahaha!

In this video I talk about all 5 of these ways, explaining them in further detail so you understand the power of them, & giving you some examples so you can do this to create your own dream life.

You have 1 month to complete Phase 5, 6 & 7 before our second call together

Move onto Phase 5
5.0 ☼ What lights you up questions

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