Get to know your audience


“A brand is showing & sharing your lifestyle”

Don’t know what you, & your audience have in common?

You’re not just going to KNOW this; it doesn’t happen like magic.
You need to find out HOW & WHAT connects you & your audience.

Market research is very important, it’s not just about creating a personal brand, product, or service because you want to, there also has to be a need for it. I will do a training on this one month ;)

You’ve probably heard me talk about this lots, but creating a brand is about building that like, love & trust factor with your dream audience.

They will not work with you or buy from you, if they DON’T have a CONNECTION with you.

This is where market research comes in….

Here are some market research challenges for you, to find out what your dream audience are interested in -

Polls on Insta stories, or in your fb group
Polls are really, really great because they are, most importantly, quick; they are also fun, & can provide you with a lot of useful info on your audience. With polls, you get to see the data straight away, so it’s good for your audience to see who else has a common interest.
Challenge - Post a poll on your best performing day.
(Don’t forget to keep track of your results before the 24 hours is up.)

Questions on Insta stories
Like polls, questions are also very good, & you tend to get a more in-depth answer if people are enticed to answer it.
When thinking of questions, think, what outcome you would like from your questions; don’t just ask for the sake of it, think, what do I want to know that is going to help me build that connection?
Challenge - Post a question everyday for one week.
(Don’t forget to keep track of your answers before the 24 hours is up.)

Questions in your fb group, as part of your feed?
A lot of women tend to have a more intimate relationship with the women in their fb group. So ask them in here.
Challenge - Ask them specific questions for them to comment underneath.

Add the question as a CTA (call to action) at the end of your Insta post
Challenge - Do this everyday for one week.

Want some CTA (call to action) ideas?

Questionnaire on Google Forms
These are a great way to get in-depth info from your audience. Within Google Forms you can add your logo, change the colours so that it matches your brand, & the best part about it is, once people have filled it out, you have a section that combines all the answers so it is super easy to read & see correlations.
*If you do not really have an audience yet, or if you’re just starting out, then Google forms are probably not for you (i’d stick with polls/questions in your stories)
Challenge - Send this out via email on your best performing day.

A friendly Insta DM
A few kind words go a long way. Taking advantage of your DM’s is a great way to build a relationship with your audience, + you will be favoured on the algorithm for it ;) Drop into conversation a question that will help you gain insight.
Challenge - Do this everyday for one week.

Once you have collated info on what you dream audience is interested in, then you can go to Pinterest, & start pinning ideas ;)

*P.S. I highly recommend adding the 2 step verification, from somebody who has had major troubles with their security before, it’s one of the first things I ALWAYS set up now.
If there is a point I am missing on here or if you are struggling to find how to do anything, message me & I will tell you how & also add it to this How To so it can benefit others.