Money Mindset


“ Rich people believe ‘I create my life’. Poor people believe ‘Life happens to me’.”

“I had a lot of healing, learning and maturing to do.

My mum passed away when I was just shy of 8 years old and this created a huge hole in my family.”


Hi, I’m Jesse Wayne ☺️

I’m a 27 year old kiwi gal who now runs her own business as an online life and mindset coach!

I was part of the yachting industry for 8 years, starting at the ripe age of 18. First I was a deckhand, next a 2nd stew and finished it off with a bang as a chief stew for a small stint before l left to go full time in my business in June of 2023. I currently still travel, moving between NZ and South Africa (where my partner is from) and whichever countries we want to tick off the bucket list next.

I always say my yachting years were my golden years.
In all honesty I was running away from home when I was 18. I had a lot of healing, learning and maturing to do. My mum passed away when I was just shy of 8 years old and this created a huge hole in my family. To put a complicated story short, from that moment on I became ‘the mother figure’ for my younger sister while my dad worked double shifts to make us enough money to get by.

I missed out on the largest part of my childhood and I was craving some ‘me time’ and space to ‘find myself.’ I signed up for my first personal development course after hitting my own version of rock bottom that presented itself after a break up. I have never, ever looked back. Personal development and mindset growth not only saved me but expanded me.

Throughout my journey I have learned a lot, healed deeply and manifested my then dream, now current, reality. This is why I have dedicated my life to guiding people in their own aligned direction. Everyone has their story and it’s my biggest passion to help them write the rest of their chapters with intentionality through coaching because I know the life changing impact it had on me.

My favorite quote may seem cliche but it’s a quote where I see a lot of people forgetting to live by far too often.

‘You can’t pour from an empty cup’

This quote encourages you to focus on self love and self connection before giving to others. I find this concept to be so important and if we all lived by this the world would be a much happier place.

Lot’s of love, Jesse Wayne xx

Insta @jessewayne_coaching
Jesse Wayne Coaching

Money Mindset with Jesse.

Oh my goodness, i’m so excited for you all to watch this, it’s SO good!
I know we can ALL change our mindsets we have with money for the better, & Jesse really makes this easy to understand; it’s simple & you can very easily relate it to your own life to see clearly where the changes can be made.

Thank you so much Jesse, your passion really inspires me & get’s me so excited to continue working on myself.

I’ve already started shifting my mindset, & I cant wait for you to start too

We would really appreciate it if you would let Jesse know what you thought about her Masterclass, she’d love feedback or if you’ve had any amazing realisations at all, anything :) - it’s always nice to hear how it’s impacting you!
Plz let us know inside our
Sisterhood Private Lounge ⇢ Sisterhood Brands ⇢ Masterclasses

This is the money Mindset bundle Jesse was talking about in

her Masterclass ⇣

No more avoiding your money shit!
Become aware of where your money is actually going each month!
Become clear on your core values with money
Make the informed decision what is worth the instant gratification and what's to sacrifice for your delayed gratification goals
Easy to use templates that actually make you want to do and implement
Give you a solid direction in action steps to take to get you flying towards your end goals
With awareness comes the pathway to improving your relationship with money
Holds you accountable to stay on top of your priorities