

Quantum physics has proven that everything is energy, & that includes our emotions.

Gratitude is number one on the emotional vibration scale.
Along with love, gratitude is the highest vibration emotion of all.

When we hang out in the higher vibration emotions – think love, gratitude, hope, positivity, & optimism, the energy generated from these emotions raises our vibrational frequency.

Having a high vibration means that we are more aligned with our dreams & goals, life becomes easier, we actually manifest what we desire, we attract positive people, & ultimately make better decisions.

All these things serve to make us feel happier, & more whole.

Why is it important for us
female entrepreneurs to
put gratitude at the forefront of our lives?

bcus the entrepreneurial journey is a tough one, there is obstacles everywhere, but if we choose to see the obstacles over the positives within all that we do we are going to keep attracting more obstacles. You know what it’s like when you’re in a negative mindset & everything just keeps seeming to go wrong - this is what I mean!

Sometimes our negative emotions get the better of us , & especially if things aren’t going our way, or everything seems to be crashing down within our life & business all at one time.

When you decide to turn your mindset around, see what you’re grateful for in every situation, flip a negative to a positive, this raises your whole vibration & you start to attract & see abundance in your life - I want this for you!


Within this challenge this month we are going to spend extra special attention to gratitude on a daily basis, I will be posting every day this month inside our Sisterhood Private Lounge & on this page will be exactly what we go through so you can do it in your own time, continue your gratitude practise, or do it as & when you please.

Everyday I will be taking your through a gratitude challenge in alignment with the book ‘The Magic’ + gratitude examples, & realisations as female entrepreneurs.

I’m excited for this one, let’s start paying attention to the small things, appreciating what we already have, & attract abundance into our lives as female entrepreneurs.

TO DO FIRST Get clear on what you really want in every area of your life.
Think through every area of your life, think about what you wana be, do & have in your life.
Think about every area that’s important to you.
Be as specific as you like.

Remember this is thinking about what you WANT, don’t think about the HOW, this is what this new gratitude practise will help you do.

Earnings/finances, family, home, health, fitness, clients, business lifestyle, travel, relationships, friendships, material things, achieve a specific something (course, degree, running time), learn something new, be as specific as possible.

Maintain a list of dreams throughout your life in a notebook, or in your notes on your phone, what do you want this month, this year, as you want things add them to your list, as you receive them cross them off ;)

When you get clear on what you want you are giving a definite direction to the way you want gratitude to change your life.


Count Your Blessings

This is one of the most powerful practices you can ever do.
When you’re grateful for the things you have no matter how small they may be you will see those things instantly increase, if you are grateful for the money you will see this grow, if you’re grateful for your relationship you will see it magically get better.
When were not counting our blessings we can fall into the trap of unintentionally counting negative things, when we talk about the things we dont have, we criticise & find fault in other people, not enough money, weather, traffic, with every negative thing we count we cancel out blessings that were on their way.
Counting your blessings is the way to have abundance in your life.

First thing in the morning, write it out or type it out, in a journal/notebook, keep all of it in one place

⇢ Make a simple list of 10 blessings in your life, what you’re grateful for.
Why are you grateful for them.
The magic of gratitude happens according to the degree in which you’re feeling.
I am truly blessed to have
I am so happy & grateful for
I am truly grateful for
With all my heart thank you for

go back & read each one, when you get to the end of each one.
Say THANK YOU 3x & feel it deeply within yourself.
When you direct gratitude towards something or someone, you will feel it even more, it will have more power, its the reason why indigenous & ancient cultures chose symbols like the sun to direct their gratitude towards. Focusing on that symbol they felt more gratitude.

Continue to add 10x more blessings to your list everyday for the next 28 days - the more you think about it the more you will see how much you have to feel grateful for.
Look at it.
How good you feel is the measure of how much gratitude you felt.

The more gratitude you felt the happier you will feel & the faster your life will change. Everyday you will see a bigger & bigger difference in the way you feel each time.


The Gratitude Rock

Find a rock or a stone ⇢ choose a small size that you can close your hand around, thats round & not sharp ⇢ Put it by your bedside - clear some space so you can see it.

Tonight before you get into bed to sleep pick it up close your hand around it, think back carefully to all the good things that happened today, & pick the best thing that happened in your day & say
THANK YOU. Put the rock back & thats it :) every night do this for the next 26 days. This helps you begin & end your day in the state of gratitude.

Gratitude is magnetic & attracts more things to be grateful for, & this concentration of gratitude over 27 days will intensify the magnetic force of your gratitude. When you have a strong magnetic force of gratitude you automatically magnetise everything you want & need to you.


Magical Relationships

Imagine if you were the only person on earth, you’d have no desire to do anything, what would be the point in creating a painting if no-one could see it? What would be the point of composing music if no-one could hear it? What would be the point in inventing anything if there was no-one to use it? There would be no pleasure or joy in life, its your contact & experiences with other ppl that give your life joy & meaning & purpose. Bcus of that you’re relationships effect your life more than anything else.

To receive the life of your dreams, it’s vital that you understand how your relationships effect your life now & how powerful channels for gratitude start magically changing your life. Science is now confirming the wisdom of the great sages of the past with research studies showing that ppl that practise gratitude have closer relationships, more connected to family & friends & have ppl look upon them favourably.

The most astounding statistic that has come out of research studies is that for every 1 complaint about another person whether in thought or word there would have to be 10 blessings for the relationship to flourish, any less than 10 then the relationship will deteriorate. If this relationship is a marriage it will most likely end in divorce. Gratitude makes relationships flourish. gratitude for your relationships doesn’t just change your relationship it changes you. no matter what your temperament is now gratitude will give you more patience, compassion & kindness, you won’t even recognise yourself. The little complaints & niggly things that you once had in your relationships will disappear, bcus when you’re truly grateful for another person there’s nothing you wana change about that person. You won’t criticise, blame them bcus youll only see what you’re grateful for.
Words are very powerful so when you complain about any person you actually harm your life, it’s your life that will suffer. By law of attraction whatever you say about someone else will come to you, this is the very reason why the great minds & teachers of the world have told us to be grateful, they knew that for you to receive more in your life you have to be grateful for others just as they are.

What if every person close to you said, “I love you, just the way you are” how would you feel?
Todays practise is to be grateful for others just as they are.
Your relationships will be stronger, more fulfilling & more enriching than ever before.

- Choose 3 of your closest relationships to be grateful for, any 3, if you have a photograph of them this will help.
- Sit down & think about the things you’re most grateful for about each person, what are the things you love the most about this person, what are their best qualities?
- After this put your photo in front of you & write down the 5 things that you’re most grateful for, begin each sentence THANK YOU (name) & then write what you’re grateful for.
- Put these photographs in a place you’ll always see them today or if you’re moving around a lot take them in your bag & make sure you make an effort to look at them at least 3x.



Health is the most important thing to us, but we often take it for granted & the only time we really think about it is if something bad is happening to us or someone close to us.

Without our health we have nothing!

Health is a gift of life, we must be grateful for our health or receive more.

You can maintain your current health & increase the flow of health to you. You will see the improvement help straight away. Energy & vitality & happiness increase.

The degree that you’re grateful for your health is the exact degree that your health will magically increase & the degree that you’re not grateful is the degree that your health will decrease. Living with a decreased amount of health means your energy, vitality, immune system, clarity of thought & everything else within your body & mind is weakened, being grateful for your health ensures that you will continue to receive more health to be grateful for & at the same time eliminates stress & tension in your body & mind.

Scientific research studies have shown that stress & tension are at the route of many diseases, & ppl practising gratitude heal faster & are likely to live 7 years longer
One of the major causes of this lost of vitality is the lack of gratitude.

Close your eyes, listen & repeat with me…

”Think about your legs & feet, they are your main form of transportation in your life, think about all the things you use your feet for like balancing & standing, exercising & dancing, driving a car, & most of all the miracle of walking. Your legs & feet allow you to walk around your home, to the bathroom, go to the kitchen & walk to your car. They allow you to walk through stores, down the street & along the beach. The ability to walk gives us freedom to enjoy life. Thank you for my legs & feet.”

Now say it with me… “THANK YOU for my legs & feet.”

“Now think about your arms & hands, how many things you pick up & hold in one day. Your hands are the major tools of your life & they are in non stop use everyday, your hands allow you to write, eat a meal, pick up your child, use your phone, to shower, get dressed, pick up things & hold them & do everything yourself. Without the use of your hands you would be dependant on other ppl to do things for you. Thank you for my arms hands & fingers”

Say it with me “THANK YOU for my arms hands & fingers”

“Think about your amazing senses, your sense of taste gives you so much pleasure multiple times throughout the day as you eat & drink, you’ll know that losing your sense of taste through the flu or a cold that the joy of eating & drinking disappears. Thank you for my amazing sense of taste”

Say it with me, “THANK YOU for my amazing sense of taste”

“Your sense of smell, allows you to smell the beautiful fragrances of life, dinner, a fire burning on a winters night, freshly cut grass, the air on a summers day, the flowers in spring, the smell of the ground after rain.”

Say it with me ”THANK YOU for my wonderful sense of smell”

“If you didn’t have a sense of touch you wouldn’t know the difference between hot & cold, soft & sharp, smooth or rough, you would never be able to feel objects, or physically express love or receive it. Your sense of touch allows you to touch your loved ones with a big hug, feel the touch of a hand from one human being to another. Thank you for my precious sense of touch

Say it with me, THANK YOU for my precious sense of touch”

”Think about the miracle of your eyes, which enable you to see the faces of your loved ones. Read books, magazines & emails, watch tv, the beauty of nature, & most importantly see your way through life. Put a blindfold on for an hour & you will soon appreciate your eyes. Thank you for my eyes that enable me to see everything”

Say it with me “THANK YOU for my for my eyes that enable me to see everything”

“Think about your ears that enable you to hear your own voice so you can talk to people. Without ears & your sense of hearing you could not use a phone, listen to music, hear the birds chirping in the early morning, or know when your baby was crying or laughing. You wouldn’t be able to hear the sounds of the world around you, thank you for my hearing”

Say it with me ”THANK YOU for my hearing”

“To use any of your senses would be impossible without your brain, which send a million messages a second, its actually your brain that enables you to sense & experience life. & there is no computer technology in the world that can duplicate it. Thank you for my brain & my beautiful mind”

Say it with me “THANK YOU for my brain & beautiful mind”

“Think about the trillions of cells working 24/7 for you health body & life, think about your life sustaining organs aimlessly filtering & cleaning everything in your body. & they do this automatically without you even having to think about it. Thank you cells & organs for working perfectly”

Say it with me “THANK YOU cells & organs for working perfectly”

“But more miraculous than any system function or other organ in our body, is the organ of your heart. Your heart governs the life of every other organ, its your heart that keeps the life flowing throughout every system in your body. Thank you for my healthy heart”

Say it with me “THANK YOU for my healthy hart”

Take a piece of paper, in big bold letters write PERFECT HEALTH IS MINE take it with you today & put it in a place where you’ll see it often. On your desk, in your kitchen, in your cabin, today on at least 4 seperate occasions when you see the words read them very slowly & feel as grateful as you can for perfect health.

Lets guarantee it gets better with continue energy & zest for life.



If there’s a lack of money in your life, understand that feeling worried, jealous, envious, disappointed, discouraged, doubtful, or negative about money can never bring more of it to you bcus those come form a lack of gratitude for the money you have.

Complaining about money or arguing about money, being critical about the cost of something, or making someone else feel bad about money are not acts of gratitude, therefore money in your life will never improve & only worsen. No matter what your money situation the very thought you dont have enough money is being ungrateful, you have to get your current situation out of your mind, & instead feel grateful for the money you do have so the money in your life can increase.

feeling grateful for money when you have very little is challenging, but when you understand that nothing will change until your grateful you’ll be inspired to do it. The subject of money can be a tricky one, especially when you don’t have enough, so there are 2 steps to this practice —

Sit down & take a few minutes to think about your childhood before you had much money, as you recall each memory where money was paid for you, say & feel THANK YOU with all your heart for each instance, did you always have food to eat? Did you live in a home? How did you travel to school? Did you have school lunches? Did you have clothes? Go on holiday? Birthday gifts, toys, pets, a bike, movies, play sports, hobbies, medicine, essential items you used everyday, watch tv, use lights, electricity & water? - all of these things cost money & you received them all at no charge, you’ll realise how many things you received that equate to hard earned money ,be grateful for every single instance & memory bcus when you can feel sincere gratitude for money you’ve received in the past your money will magically increase in the future.

Take a note, write on a sticker on a money note THANK YOU for all the money I’ve received, take it everywhere with you today & Iook at it once in the morning & arvo, take it out & read it, & think how truly grateful you are for the money in your life.
After today put this note somewhere you will always see it - never forget to feel gratitude towards this
If you’re about to complain about money whether via words or thoughts, say this to yourself — “Am I willing to pay the price for this complaint” bcus this one complaint will slow money to you


Works Like Magic

How can it be that a person thats born into total poverty, starts out with nothing & had very little education, goes on to become a president or a celebrity or becomes one of the wealthiest people in the world?

How is it that 2 ppl that start out with the same career & yet ones person goes from success to greater success whilst the other person works herself into the ground with little success no matter how hard they try?

The missing link to success is gratitude, according to the law of attraction you have to be grateful for what you have to attract success to you. Without gratitude its impossible to have permanent success. To bring success or increase the good things in your business opportunities, promotions, money, brilliant ideas, inspirations & appreciation it is essential to be grateful for your job or work, the more gratitude you have the more you’ll have to be grateful for. To increase anything in your life you need to be grateful for what you already have.

When you’re grateful for your business you will automatically give more to your work, & when you give more to your work you will increase the money & success thats returned to you. If you’re not grateful for your business you will automatically give less, when you give less you decrease what comes back to you, you will never give more than you have to, & you will never be ultimately happy in it, you’ll eventually deteriorate & probably end up quitting your business, your dream.

YOU control the amount you receive by controlling the amount of gratitude you give. It is when female entrepreneurs stop feeling grateful, it turns to worry that their business spirals downwards.

Find as many things as you can to be grateful for about your business, write them down throughout the day. Think about the time you were in yachting when you wanted to leave, think about how burnt out you were in yachting, think about the time you thought of your business idea & how excited you were, think about all the things you use on a daily basis to do with your business, look at the things in your office/workshop, think about all the ppl that have made your business easier for you, think about how good it feels when a client/customer buys from you, think about the aspect of your business that you love doing.

“I’m so grateful for X”


The Magical Way Out Of Negativity

Whether it’s a relationship in turmoil, a lack of health, financial pressure, problems in a job, negative situations arise from a lack of gratitude over a long period of time. If we are not grateful for everything in our lives we are taking those things for granted which is a major source of negativity. Just as giving thanks to others will always lead to our life increasing so is taking things for granted always lead to our life decreasing.

Are you grateful for your health when its good or do you only notice it when you’re sick or when it hurts?

Are you grateful for your business everyday or do you only value it when you get a client/customer?

Are you grateful for your loved ones when everything is running smoothly or do you only talk to others about your loved ones when there are problems?

Are you grateful to be alive each day or do you take your life for granted?

Taking things for granted results in complaining, negative thoughts & words, so when you complain by the law of attraction you bring more things into your life to complain about, are you complaining about traffic, money, your mum, your partner, how long somethings taking you, someone else who’s started a business similar to yours, a crew member, the weather, bills, you are not being grateful & you’re pushing your dream life further away with every complaint.

It’s impossible to be negative when your grateful, the best news is if you have any negative situations in your life right now it won’t take a long time to transform them with gratitude.

First as difficult as it may be, you have to look for things to be grateful for in the negative situation, no matter how bad it is you can always find something to be grateful for.

Take one problem or negative thing in your life & think of 10 ways it can be resolved, make a written list of 10 things that you’re grateful for (you have to do a concentrated practise of gratitude during this time)

Write at the end THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for the perfect resolution, try to go one day without thinking anything negative

- If you find yourself thinking negatively say this “ stop immediately - but I have to say that I’m really grateful for”


The Magic Ingredient

Giving thanks to food before you eat is a tradition thats been followed for thousands of years. Taking time to give thanks for a good meal has often been left behind with our fast paced life, using the simple act of gratitude before eating & drinking as an opportunity to be grateful will increase the magic in your life.

Think about a time u were really hungry, shaking, weak, confused, feelings plummeted, there’s a great deal to be grateful for when it comes to food.

Think about all the ppl that contributed to you having food to eat, think about fresh fruit & vegetables the growers had to plant & nurture the seeds, continuous nutruting, harvesting & pickers & packers & distributers & transportation, available year round, fisherman, dairy farmers, coffee & tea farmers, something that takes place everyday that we hardly ever pay attention too. Cafes, airplanes, hospitals, restaurants.

Food is a gift of nature, there would be nothing for us to eat if nature didnt supply us with the soil, nutrients & water to grow food. Without water  there would be no food, animals or human life, we use water to cook meals, grow food, maintain gardens, in our bathrooms, in every vehicle, support hospitals, manufacturing, make roads & clothes & every consumer product & compliance on this earth. Water keeps our bodies alive, “if there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water” Lauren Isley 20th century anthropologist & natural science writer.

We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t have water, yet here we are living tis beautiful life together.

To say the words THANK YOU before & after you eat & drink is an act of giving gratitude for the miracle of food & water.
The ‘observer effect’ quantum physics - refers to changes that the active observation makes, imagine if feeling grateful for your food & drink changed their energy structure & purified them so that everything you consumed had the ultimate effect of wellbeing on your body.
Really savour your food & drinks. This is a great way to be grateful, concentrate on the taste or flavour, when you concentrate on the flavour they explode, when you don’t the flavours weaken, its your energy of focus & gratitude that enhance the flavour.

Say the words THANK YOU


The Money Magnet

“Gratitude is riches and complaining is poverty.”
It’s the golden rule of life, whether its your health, job, relationships, or money. The most grateful you can be for the money you have, even if it’s not very much, the more riches you will receive, & the more you will complain about money the poorer you will become.

Todays practise turns one of the biggest reasons ppl complain about money into an act of gratitude, & so it has double the power to change your circumstances around money. You will be replacing a complaint which makes you poorer with gratitude which magically makes you richer. Most ppl wouldn’t think they complain about money, but if there is a lack of money in their life they will be complaining about it, complaining happens through ppls thoughts as well as their words & most ppl aren’t aware of the thoughts they are having. Any complaining, negative thoughts or words about money are literally creating poverty. & of course the biggest complaints come when money has to be paid out.

If you dont have enough money, paying your bills can be one of the most difficult things to do, it can seem like their is a greater stream of bills than their is money to pay them. but if you complain about your bills what you’re really doing is complaining about money.
If you dont have enough money the last thing you would do is feel grateful for your bills, but in fact thats exactly what you have to do to receive more money in your life. To have a rich life you must be grateful for everything to do with money. You must be grateful for the goods or services you’ve received from those who billed you, its such a simple thing to do but it will have a monumental impact in your life, you will literally become a money magnet.

To be grateful for a bill think about how much you’ve benefitted from the goods or services on the bill, whether its payment for rent or a mortgage, be grateful for having a home & you’re living in it, what if the only way you could do this was to save up all your money & pay cash for it? What if there was no such things as banks, or loans or being able to rent? most of us would be living on the street so be grateful for your landlord, or your bank, bcus they’ve made this possible for you.

If you’re paying for gas or electricity, think about the heating or the aircon you’ve had on, the hot showers, the charging of your laptop, you being able to heat up your own food quickly, how many coffees have you had already today? you were able to do all of these things bcus of a service.

If you’re paying others for helping you with aspects of your business, think about all the things they are doing for you that you dont have to do yourself so you can concentrate on the aspects you love, think about all the things they are doing to help you.

For business expenses, think about how they are benefitting you, what have they done for you, what have you avoided by paying for that service? Imagine having to walk all the way to the phone box to make a call, or message us inside our Aligned & Thriving Sisterhood, or post on instagram.

On every single bill you pay, a great idea is to write THANK YOU PAID at the beginning. If you don’t have the money to pay the bill, still write across it THANK YOU FOR THE MONEY & then when you do have the moeny to pay it, add THANK YOU PAID.

If you receive most of your bills online, forward it to yourself as an email & write in the subject lining, THANK YOU FOR THE MONEY (if you cant afford it) or THANK YOU PAID if you have it.

Find 10x bills you’ve paid in the past, write THANK YOU PAID - as you write on each paid bill feel as grateful as you possibly can for each one

DAY 10

Magic Dust Everyone

✨ Pretend you have magic glitter that you are sprinkling onto everyone you are thankful for.

✨ For every person you run across today that does something for you say thank you and sprinkle some glitter.

✨ Ensure your attention is solely on the subject you are thanking.

✨ At the end of the day think back on those 10 people and make a list of who and what they did.

Then send some magic glitter their way as a sign of gratitude.

With this practice it's kind of fun because it adds a physical aspect to things. Physical in the meaning of action (the magic glitter is invisible and non-existent). People might get upset if you actually sprinkle them with glitter or dust...

Please note you don't have to see 10 people today who do some sort of service for you. It can be people you don't even know. For example: I am thankful for the farmers who pick the olives so that we are able to eat them, I'm blowing "magic glitter" all over town to help give thanks to their hard and successful work!

Enjoy this challenge, use your imagination and cover the world in gratitude glitter

DAY 11

A Magic Morning

The easiest and simplest way to ensure that your day ahead will be filled with magic is to fill your morning with gratitude. When you incorporate gratitude into your morning routine, you will feel and see its magical benefits throughout the whole day.

Each morning is full of opportunities to give thanks, and it doesn't slow you down or take any extra time, because you can do it naturally as you go about everything you do. There is an added bonus to filling your morning with gratitude because your daily routines are the times when you an harm yourself the most by thinking negative thoughts without realizing you're doing it. There's no room for harmful negative thoughts when your mind is focused on looking for things to be grateful for. After this practice you will go into your day feeling much happier and confident that the day ahead will be great and that's when you will see the magic happen before your very eyes!

When you wake up to the new day today, before you do a single thing, say the magic words, thank you. Say thank you for the fact that you are alive, and that you've been given another day of life. Your life is a gift, everyday is a gift, and when you really think about it, it's inconceivable that any of us would wake up in the morning without giving thanks for another day. If you think a new day isn't such a big deal, then just try missing one! It doesn't matter how sleepy you are, or if your alarm has woken you up for work, or you've slept in during the weekend; the moment you wake, say the magic words, thank you, for another day of my life.

Say thank you for the good night's sleep you received. Are you fortunate enough to have slept in a bed, with sheets and pillow? Thank you! As your feet hit the ground say thank you. Do you have a bathroom? Thank you! Are you able to turn the taps and immediately receive fresh, clean water every morning? Thank you! Imagine all the people who dug the trenches and laid the pipes across your country, throughout your city, and along all the streets to your home so you can turn a tap and receive a beautiful, clean, hot water. Thank you! As you reach for your toothbrush and toothpaste, thank you! Without them, your day would not begin so pleasantly. Thank you for the towels, the soap, the mirror, and everything in the bathroom you use that makes you feel fresh, awake, and ready for the day.

As you get dressed, think about how fortunate you are to have clothes to choose from and wear. Thank you! Think about how many people must have been involved in making all the various items of clothing you put on in one day. It's likely that the clothes you put on in one day come from many countries across the planet. Thank you to everybody! Do you have shoes? Lucky you! Imagine life without them. Thank you for shoes!

Make today as good as it can be by practicing concentrated gratitude and putting the magic into your morning routine. From the moment you open your eyes until you have put your shoes on or finished getting ready, say the magic words, thank you, in your mind for everything you touch and use. It doesn't matter if you don't shower or get dressed first thing in the morning, you can still use this Magic Morning practice as a guide and apply it to whatever your morning routine is. If you wake up and eat breakfast first, then as you touch and use each thing for your breakfast say the magic words, thank you. Give thanks for your morning coffee, tea, fruit juice, or breakfast. They make your mornings so enjoyable and give your energy for the day. Be grateful for the kitchen appliances you use for your breakfast - the refrigerator, hot plates, oven, toaster, coffee maker, or kettle.

Every day without exception, I say "thank" as I put one foot on the floor, and "you" as my other foot touches the floor, so that as both feet touch the floor for the first time each day, I've said thank you. As I walk toward my bathroom I say the magic words, thank you, in my mind with each step. Then I continue saying thank you in my mind as I touch and use each thing in my bathroom. By the time I am dressed and ready for the day, I feel so happy I could jump for joy. And when I feel that happy, I know my gratitude has worked, and I am guaranteed to have a magical day. As I go throughout my day, I really feel as though I have a magic power in me, because one good thing after another happens. I'm even more grateful, which speeds up the magic with even more good things happening. You know those days when everything just seems to go right for you? well, that's what it's like after doing Magic Morning, but multiplied!

DAY 13

Magic People Who Made a Difference

Every one of us has received help, support, or guidance from other people at particular times in our life when we needed it most. Sometimes another person alters the course of our life through their encouragement, guidance, or just being there at the right time. And then life goes on, and we tend to forget those times when one person touched us or changed our life. Sometimes you don't even realize the impact a person had until well into the future, when you look back on your life and realize that a particular person was pivotal in magically changing the direction of your life for better.

The person may have been a teacher or coach, an uncle, aunt, sibling, or any family member. They may have been the person who introduced you to your current partner or to a particular interest that became one of your greatest passions. Maybe they were someone you didn't even know, and they appeared in your life very briefly, performing a random act of kindness that touched you to the core.

My grandmother gave me my love for books, cooking, and the countryside. By sharing her love of those things with me, all of them affected and changed the course of my life. Cooking became a passion of mine for over twenty years, my love for books eventually led me to becoming a writer, and my love of the countryside has influenced where I've lived throughout my life.

My grandmother also disciplined me with a steel hand to say thank you. At the time I thought she was just teaching me to be polite. It was only latter in my life I realized that teaching me to say the magic words was the greatest gift my grandmother ever gave me. She is not alive anymore, but I continue to be grateful to her for the huge influence she had on the course of my life. Thank you, Grandma!

Today, you're going to think about the magical people who have impacted your life. Find a quiet place alone sometime during the day today, sit down, and think of three extraordinary people who have made a difference in your life. Once you have your three people, work with one person at a time, and talk out loud to each person as through they were present, telling him or her the reasons why you're grateful to them, and how they affected the course of your life.

Make sure you do this magical practice with all three people in the one session, because it will take your feeling of gratitude to a far deeper level. If you split up this magical practice throughout the day, you will not feel the same depth of gratitude, nor receive the magical results.

Here's an example of what you might say:

Sarah, I want to thank you for the time that you encouraged me to follow my heart. I was lost and confused that day, and your words touched me, and lifted me out of despair. Because of what you said, I found the courage to follow my dream, and I moved to France to work as an apprentice chef. I am living my dream, and I couldn't be happier. All because of what you said to me that day. Thank you, Sarah!

It's very important that you say the reasons why you're grateful. And you can't say too much. Instead, the more you say, and the more you feel, the more amazing the results. You will see the magic explode into your life from doing the practice; it numbers among the most powerful act of gratitude you can ever perform.

If you're not in a position to talk out loud, then you can write down your words to each person, and address them as though you're writing a letter.

When you have completed this practice, you will feel a huge difference in the way that you feel. The evidence of gratitude's power working is always that first and foremost it makes you happy! The secondary evidence of gratitude's power is that you attract wonderful things. And as if all of that wasn't enough, the happiness you feel after practicing gratitude also attracts more wonderful things, which will make you even happier. That's the magic of life, that's the magical power of gratitude!

DAY 14

Have a Magical Day

The easiest and simplest way to ensure that your day ahead will be filled with magic is to fill your morning with gratitude. When you incorporate gratitude into your morning routine, you will feel and see its magical benefits throughout the whole day.

Each morning is full of opportunities to give thanks, and it doesn't slow you down or take any extra time, because you can do it naturally as you go about everything you do. There is an added bonus to filling your morning with gratitude because your daily routines are the times when you an harm yourself the most by thinking negative thoughts without realizing you're doing it. There's no room for harmful negative thoughts when your mind is focused on looking for things to be grateful for. After this practice you will go into your day feeling much happier and confident that the day ahead will be great and that's when you will see the magic happen before your very eyes!

When you wake up to the new day today, before you do a single thing, say the magic words, thank you. Say thank you for the fact that you are alive, and that you've been given another day of life. Your life is a gift, everyday is a gift, and when you really think about it, it's inconceivable that any of us would wake up in the morning without giving thanks for another day. If you think a new day isn't such a big deal, then just try missing one! It doesn't matter how sleepy you are, or if your alarm has woken you up for work, or you've slept in during the weekend; the moment you wake, say the magic words, thank you, for another day of my life.

Say thank you for the good night's sleep you received. Are you fortunate enough to have slept in a bed, with sheets and pillow? Thank you! As your feet hit the ground say thank you. Do you have a bathroom? Thank you! Are you able to turn the taps and immediately receive fresh, clean water every morning? Thank you! Imagine all the people who dug the trenches and laid the pipes across your country, throughout your city, and along all the streets to your home so you can turn a tap and receive a beautiful, clean, hot water. Thank you! As you reach for your toothbrush and toothpaste, thank you! Without them, your day would not begin so pleasantly. Thank you for the towels, the soap, the mirror, and everything in the bathroom you use that makes you feel fresh, awake, and ready for the day.

As you get dressed, think about how fortunate you are to have clothes to choose from and wear. Thank you! Think about how many people must have been involved in making all the various items of clothing you put on in one day. It's likely that the clothes you put on in one day come from many countries across the planet. Thank you to everybody! Do you have shoes? Lucky you! Imagine life without them. Thank you for shoes!

Make today as good as it can be by practicing concentrated gratitude and putting the magic into your morning routine. From the moment you open your eyes until you have put your shoes on or finished getting ready, say the magic words, thank you, in your mind for everything you touch and use. It doesn't matter if you don't shower or get dressed first thing in the morning, you can still use this Magic Morning practice as a guide and apply it to whatever your morning routine is. If you wake up and eat breakfast first, then as you touch and use each thing for your breakfast say the magic words, thank you. Give thanks for your morning coffee, tea, fruit juice, or breakfast. They make your mornings so enjoyable and give your energy for the day. Be grateful for the kitchen appliances you use for your breakfast - the refrigerator, hot plates, oven, toaster, coffee maker, or kettle.

Every day without exception, I say "thank" as I put one foot on the floor, and "you" as my other foot touches the floor, so that as both feet touch the floor for the first time each day, I've said thank you. As I walk toward my bathroom I say the magic words, thank you, in my mind with each step. Then I continue saying thank you in my mind as I touch and use each thing in my bathroom. By the time I am dressed and ready for the day, I feel so happy I could jump for joy. And when I feel that happy, I know my gratitude has worked, and I am guaranteed to have a magical day. As I go throughout my day, I really feel as though I have a magic power in me, because one good thing after another happens. I'm even more grateful, which speeds up the magic with even more good things happening. You know those days when everything just seems to go right for you? well, that's what it's like after doing Magic Morning, but multiplied!

DAY 15

Magically Heal Your Relationships

If you have a difficult or broken relationship, are suffering from a broken heart, or hold any resentment or blame toward another person from anything, you can change it through gratitude. Gratitude will magically improve any difficult relationship, whether that person is a husband or wife, brother or sister, son or daughter, partner, boss, business client, work colleague, mother or father-in-law, parent, friend, or neighbor.

When we are faced with a difficult relationship or a challenging situation in a relationship, in almost all cases, we're not in the least bit grateful for the other person. Instead, we're busy blaming the other person for the problems we have with them, and that means we don't have a shred of gratitude. Blame is never going to make a relationship better, and it's never going to make your life better. In fact, the more you blame, the worse the relationship gets, and the worse your life gets.

Whether it's a current relationship or a past relationship, if you harbor bad feelings toward another person, practicing gratitude will eliminate those feelings. Why would you want to remove your bad feelings about another person?

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."

Bad feelings about another person burn your life, but gratitude will eliminate them!

For example, if you have an ex-partner who is connected to you through your children, and the relationship isn't good, look at your children's faces and realize that they wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for your ex-partner. Your children's lives are one of the most precious gifts you have. Look at your children, and give thanks to your ex-partner for their lives every single day! As well as bringing peace and harmony to the relationship, through your example you will be teaching your children the greatest tool for their life - gratitude.

Or, if you're suffering from a broken heart or grief due to a relationship having ended, you can use gratitude's magical power to transform your pain. Gratitude magically transforms emotional pain into healing and happiness faster than anything else, and the story of my parents is a perfect example of that.

My mother and father fell in love with each other virtually at first sight. From the moment they met, they were truly grateful to be with each other, and they had the most beautiful marriage I have ever seen.

When my father died, my mother understandably suffered from enormous grief. After months of suffering, she began to use gratitude's magical power, and despite her immense grief and pain, she looked for things to be grateful for in the future. One by one she found them. She found or remembered things she had always wanted to do but didn't have time to do when my father was alive. And with this courageous step of gratitude, opportunities to fulfill her dreams magically poured in, and her life became rich with happiness again. The magical power of gratitude gave my mother a new life.

For today's magical practice you are going to look for a hot coal that is burning your life, and literally turn it into gold through gratitude! Choose one difficult, problematic, or broken relationship that you want to improve. It doesn't matter whether the person is currently in your life, or if it's a past relationship and the person is no longer in your life.

Sit down and make a written list of ten things you're grateful for about the person you've chosen. Think back through the history of the relationship, and list the great things about the person or the great things you received from the relationship. The easiest way to do this is to think back to the way things were before the relationship deteriorated or ended. If the relationship was never good, then think hard about any good qualities in the person because they are there.

This magical practice is not about who is right or wrong. No matter what you feel someone has done to you, no matter what someone said or didn't do, you can magically heal the relationship, and you don't need the other person in order to heal it.

There is gold in every relationship, even the difficult ones, and to bring riches to all your relationships and your life, you have to find the gold. As you dig and discover a nugget of gold, write it down, address the person by name, and express your sentence in gratitude:

Name , I'm grateful for what? .

By the time you've finished your gratitude list of ten things, you should feel much better about the person and the relationship. The ultimate point you want to reach is where you don't have any bad feelings towards the person anymore because it's your life that is harmed by those feelings. Every relationship is different, and if need be, you may choose to repeat this magical practice over several days until you reach the point where you don't have any bad feelings towards the person anymore.

If you are using gratitude's magical power to improve a current relationship, you will see the relationship begin to change miraculously before your eyes. It only takes one person to magically change a relationship through gratitude, but it is the person who uses gratitude who receives the benefits in their whole life.

If you chose a past relationship, where you are not in contact with the person anymore, you will feel a peace and happiness fill you, and at the same time you will see other current relationships in your life magically improve.

In the future, if a relationship becomes challenging, remember to use this magical practice immediately. You will stop the difficulties before they get any bigger, and instead you will increase the magic in the relationship!

DAY 16

Magic & Miracles in Health

We should feel healthy, energized, and full off happiness most of the time, because that is how it feels to have our birthright of full health. The reality, however, is that a lot of people don't feel this way very often, if ever. Many people are dealing with illnesses, problems with the functioning of their body, or suffering from bouts of depression and other mental health problems, which are all states of less-than-full health.

Gratitude is one of the fastest ways I know to magically begin experiencing the full state of health you are meant to have in your body and mind. All the miracles of healing we see happen are simply the result of full health being restored instantly in the human body, where before there was less than full and perfect health. If you don't think gratitude creates miracles in your health and body, then read some of the thousands of miracle stories on The Secret website:

Gratitude's magical power increases the natural flow of health to the mind and body, and can assist the body in healing more quickly , as countless studies have shown. The magical power of gratitude also work hand in hand with good bodily care, nutrition, and any medical assistance you might have chosen to follow.

When there is some kind of sickness or condition in your body, it is understandable that you may have negative feelings about it, like worry, frustration, or fear. But having negative feelings about sickness does not restore health. In fact, it has the opposite effect - it reduces health even more. To increase your health, you need to replace the negative feelings with good feelings and gratitude is the easiest way to do it.

Many people also have critical thoughts and feelings of dissatisfaction about their physical appearance. Unfortunately those thoughts and feelings also reduce the magical flow of health. When there's something you don't like about your body. Think about it. By the law of attraction, complaints about your body bring more problems to complain about, and so complaining about your body appearance puts your very health at risk.

"Whoever does not have gratitude (for their health and their body), even what he or she has will be taken from him or her."

"Whoever has gratitude (for their health and their body) will be given more, and he or she will have an abundance (of health to their body)."

You may be sick or unwell now, or even in a lot of pain, but if you are reading these words you are continuing to receive the gift of health. It can be very difficult to access feelings of gratitude when sick or in pain, but even the smallest bit of gratitude helps increase the magical flow of health to the body.

Today's practice, Magic and Miracles in Health, is designed to dramatically increase your health and happiness. And we're going to take triple-pronged approach to accelerate the results.

Step 1: Health You've Received (past)

Think about the great health you have received throughout your childhood, adolescence, and adult life. Think about the times when you felt full of energy, and you wore happy. Recollect three separate times in your mind when you felt on top of the world, say the magic words, thank you, and feel sincere gratitude for those times. If you think back to the big moments in your life, you will be able to recollect three separate times very easily.

Step 2: Health You're Continuing to Receive (present)

Think about the health you are continuing to receive today, and feel grateful for every organ, system, and physical sense that is currently working well in your body. Think about your arms, legs, hands, eyes, ears, liver, kidneys, brain or heart. Choose five functions of your body that are well, and one by one, mentally say the magic words, thank you, for each one.

Step 3: Health You Want to Receive (future)

You're going to choose one thing you want to improve about your body for today's magical practice, but you are going to use gratitude's magical power for it in a very particular way. Think about the ideal state of what you want to improve. When you give thanks for the ideal state of anything, you have put into motion to receive back that ideal state.

Very often when a person is diagnosed with an illness or disease of some kind, they will not only talk about it a lot, but they will research the disease, gathering information about its possible worsening symptoms and dreaded outcomes. In other words, they give their entire focus to the disease. However, the law of attraction says that we can't make a problem go away by focusing on it, because focusing on the problem can only make the problem worse. Instead, we should do the exact opposite, and focus on the ideal state for the area of our body that is unwell, and give our thoughts and feelings to that. Gratitude for the ideal state of any part of our body powerfully uses our thoughts and feelings together so we magnetize it to us - in one feel swoop!

Spend one minute visualizing a scene of yourself withe the ideal state of your body that you want. And as you see your body in your mind the way you want it to be, be grateful for it as though you have received it.

So if you want to magically restore health to your kidneys, be grateful for strong and healthy kidneys that filter and sift out all the waste products from your body. If you want to magically restore health to your blood, be grateful for pure and healthy blood that flows oxygen and nutrients to all parts of your body. If you want to magically restore health to your heart, give thanks for a strong and healthy heart that maintains the well-being of every organ in your body.

If you want to magically improve your eyesight, then give thanks for excellent vision. If you want to improve your hearing, then give thanks for perfect hearing. If you want more flexibility, then give thanks for a perfectly supple and agile body. If you want to change your weight, first think about the ideal weight that you want to be, then imagine yourself at that ideal weight, and give thanks for it as though you have received it now.

Whatever it is that you want to improve, first imagine yourself with the ideal state, and then be grateful for the ideal state as though you have received it right now.

"Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease."
Hippocrates (Circa 460 - Circa 370 B.C.)
Father of Western Medicine

You can follow the Magic and Miracles in Health practice every day if you need to, and you can do it multiple times in a day if you really want to accelerate the magical restoration of full health, or the improvement of an aspect of your body. But it is vital that whenever you have a negative thought or feeling about the current state of your body or health that you replace it immediately by visualizing yourself with the ideal state you want and by being truly grateful, as though you have already received it.

The most effective way to guarantee health, other than taking good care of yourself physically, is to continue to be grateful for your health.

DAY 17

The Magic Check

When you direct gratitude’s magical power toward any negative condition, a new condition is created, eliminating the old condition. That means that when you get yourself to the place where you feel grateful for money more than you feel lack of money, a new condition is created eliminating the lack of money and magically replacing it with more money.

All the bad feelings about money push money away from you and reduce the amount of money in your life, and every time you feel bad about the money you reduce it a little more. If you have feelings about money like envy, disappointment, worry, or fear, you cannot receive more. The law of attraction says that like attracts like, so if you feel disappointed that you don’t have enough money, you will receive more disappointing circumstances of not having enough money. If you are worried about money you will receive more worrying situations about money. If you feel fearful about the state of your money, then you must receive more situations that will continue to make you fearful about money.

However difficult it may be, you have to ignore your current situation and any lack of money you may currently be experiencing, and gratitude is the guaranteed way for you to do that. You can’t be grateful for the money and disappointed about money at the same time. You can’t be thinking grateful thoughts about money and have worried thoughts about money at the same time. Nor can you be grateful for the money and have fearful thoughts about money at the same time. When you’re grateful for the money, not only do you stop the negative thoughts and feelings that push money away from you, you’re doing the very thing that brings more money to you!

Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.

Fill in your Magic Check with the amount of money you want to receive, along with your name and today’s date.

Hold your Magic Check in your hands, and imagine purchasing the specific thing you want the money for. Feel as happy and grateful as you can that you have received it.

Take the Magic Check with you today, or put it in a place where you will see it often. On at least two more occasions, take the check in your hands, picture yourself using the money for what you want, and feel as grateful as thought you wore really doing it.

At the end of today, keep your Magic Check in a prominent place where you will see it daily. When you have received the money on your check, or if you receive the item you wanted to spend the money on, replace the check with a new amount for something else you want, and repeat steps 2-4.

Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.

DAY 18

The Magical To-Do List

Really, when you think about it, gratitude is your best friend. It is always there for you, always available to help you, it will never fail you or let you down, and the more heavily you lean on it, the more it will do for you, and the more it will enrich your life. Today’s magical practice will show you how to lean on gratitude even more, so it can do far more magical things for you.

Every day there are little life problems that come up and that need solving. Sometimes we can feel overwhelmed if we don’t know how to solve a situation. Maybe your problem is that you don’t have enough time for all the things you need to do, and you’re at a loss because there are only twenty-four hours in the day. It may be that you feel overwhelmed from work, and you want more free time, but you can’t see any way to have it. You may be at home taking care of children, and you’re feeling frazzled or exhausted, but you don’t have the means to get support to give you time out. You may be faced with a problem that needs fixing, but you have no idea which way to turn to fix it. You may have lost something and tried your best to locate it, but had no luck. Or you might want to find something, like the perfect pet, perfect babysitter, great hairdresser, or amazing dentist or doctor, and despite your best efforts, you haven’t been able to find what you need. You could be in an uncomfortable situation because of something a person has asked you to do, and you don’t know how to respond to them. Or you could be in some kind of dispute with someone, and instead of getting it resolved, things seem to be getting worse.

This Magical To-Do List practice will help you with any little day-to-day problems when you don’t know what to do, or when you simply want something to be done for you. You will be amazed at the results!

Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.

Create a written list of the most important things or problems you need to be done or solved. Title your list The Magical To-Do List.

Choose three or the most important things from your list, and one a time, imagine that each thing had been done for you.

Spend at least one minute on each thing, believing it is done, and feeling enormous gratitude in return.

Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.

DAY 19

Magic Footsteps

With those words, Einstein gave us a gift equal to his scientific discoveries. He gave us one of the magical secrets to his success. Gratitude – every day! Einstein is the inspiration behind today’s magical practice, and you are going to follow in his footsteps to bring success to your life. Today, like Einstein, you will say thank you one hundred times, and you’re going to do it by taking one hundred Magic Footsteps. While it might seem unbelievable to you that taking footsteps can make a difference to your life, you will discover that it is one of the most powerful things you can do.

To take Magic Footsteps, you take one step and in your mind say the magic words, thank you, as your foot touches the ground, and then again say thank you as your other foot touches the ground. One foot, thank you, next foot, thank you, and continue saying the magic words every footstep.

The best thing about Magic Footsteps is that you can take any number of Magic Footsteps anywhere and at any time; through your house from one room to another, walking to a business meeting, on your way to catch a cab, train, or bus. You can take Magic Footsteps on your way to anything that is important to you, like exams, a date, a job interview, an audition, to meet a client, to the bank, ATM, dentist, doctor, hairdresser, to see your team play in a sports game, down corridors, through airport terminals, in parks, or from one block to another.

✨ Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessing. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.

✨ Take one hundred Magic Footsteps (for about ninety seconds) in gratitude any time during the day.

✨ With each footstep, say and feel the magic words, thank you.

✨ Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.

DAY 20

Heart Magic

You might have figured out by now that with any magical practice of gratitude the aim is always to feel is as much as you can. This is because when you increase the feeling of gratitude on the inside, the things you have to be grateful for in the outside world increases too.

Eventually, after practicing gratitude for a long period of time, you will automatically feel it deeply in your heart. However, today’s magical practice will collapse the time it would normally take for you to reach that level.

The Heart Magic practice is designed to powerfully increase the depths that you feel gratitude, by focusing your mind on the area of your heart as you say and feel the magical words thank you. Scientific research has shown that by focusing on your heart as you feel gratitude, the rhythm of your heart immediately becomes much more even and harmonious, resulting in major improvements to your immune system and health. That gives you an idea of the power of Heart Magic. It takes a little practice the first time you try it, but it is worth the effort. After a few times you will get it, and each time you practice it your feeling of gratitude will increase exponentially.

To practice Heart Magic, focus your mind and your attention on the area around your heart. It doesn’t matter if you focus on the inside or the outside of your body. Close your eyes, because it will make it easier, and while keeping your mind focused on your heart, mentally say the magic words, thank you. Once you’ve practiced it a few times, you won’t need to close your eyes anymore, but as a general rule, you will feel more gratitude when you close your eyes.

There are several things you can do to help you get Heart Magic down really quickly. You can put your right hand on the area around your heart to keep your mind focused there while you say the magic words, thank you. Or you can imagine that the magic words, thank you, are coming out of your heart rather than your mind as you say them.

Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.

Focus your mind and your attention on the area around your heart.

Close your eyes, and while keeping your mind focused on your heart, mentally say the magic words, thank you.

Take your Top Ten Desire List and practice Heart Magic by reading each desire, then closing your eyes, focusing your mind on the area around your heart, and slowly saying thank you, again.

Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.

DAY 21

Magnificent Outcomes

We all want good outcomes to everything we do. In giving thanks before he performed an action, the writer Gilbert Keith Chesterton used the magic of gratitude to guarantee the outcome he wanted.

You will have had times when you thought to yourself “I hope this goes well”, or “I hope this turn out okay”, or “I’m going to need a lot of luck.” And all these thoughts are hoping for a good outcome to a situation. But life doesn’t happen by chance or because of a stroke of luck. The laws of the Universe operate mathematically to the finest possible degree; that is something you can count on!

A pilot doesn’t hope that the laws of physics will keep working during his flight, because he knows the laws of physics will never fail. You don’t go into your day and hope that the law of gravity will keep you on the ground so you don’t float off into space. You know there’s no chance at play, and gravity’s law will never fail.

If you want Magnificent Outcomes to everything you do, then you have to use the law that governs outcomes – the law of attraction. That means you have to use your thoughts and feelings to attract Magnificent Outcomes to you, and being grateful for Magnificent Outcomes is one of the simplest ways to do it.

The Magnificent Outcomes practice is being grateful before you do something you want to go well. You could be grateful for the magnificent outcome to the work meeting, job interview, or exam, the magnificent outcome to the sports fame, phone call, catch-up with a friend, or seeing your mother-in-law. You could be grateful for the magnificent outcome of your exercise routine, your pet’s vet appointment, or your medical or dental checkup. You could be grateful for the magnificent outcome when an electrician, plumber, or any tradesperson is addressing a problem in your home, the magnificent outcome to a family outing, conversation with your child about the behavior, or heart to heart with your partner. You could be grateful for the magnificent outcome to a purchase you will be making, such as a birthday gift, engagement ring, or wedding dress, or the magnificent outcome to choosing a new cell phone, new carpet, drapes, or renovation company. You could be grateful for the magnificent outcome for a reservation at a restaurant, or great seats for a concert, the magnificent outcome to your daily mail, your daily e-mails, or your tax refund for the year.

Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.

At the beginning of the day, choose three things or situations that are important to you where you want Magnificent Outcomes.

List your three things, and write each one as though you are writing after it has happened: Thank you for the magnificent outcome to ________ !

As you go through your day, choose three unexpected events that come up in your day where you can be grateful for a magnificent outcome. Each time, close your eyes and mentally say and feel: Thank you for the magnificent outcome to ______ !

Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.

DAY 22

Before Your Very Eyes

Seven years ago, when I first discovered The Secret and the magical power of gratitude, I made a list of all of my desires. It was a long list! At that time, there seemed to be no possible way my desires could come true. Nevertheless, I took my top ten desires and I carried them with me on a piece of paper every day. Whenever I had an opportunity, I would take out my list and read through it, giving as much gratitude for each desire as I could, as though I had received it. With my number one desire, the desire I wanted more than anything else, I kept it constantly in my mind, and I would say the magic words, thank you, for it multiple times in a day, and feel as if it had come true. One by one every desire on my list magically appeared before my very eyes. As I received my desires I would cross them off my list, and when I had new desires I would add them to my list.

One of my desires from my original long list was to travel to Bora Bora near Tahiti. After spending a beautiful week at the exact place in Bora Bora I had listed, another beautiful thing happened. I was flying to the mainland of Tahiti on my way home when the airplane stopped en route to pick up passengers. The flight had been empty, but it filled to the brim with native Tahitians, and suddenly laughter, smiling faces, and a happiness that was palpable surrounded me. As I enjoyed the short flight with these beautiful people, it became crystal clear to me the reason why they were so happy. They were grateful! They were grateful to be alive, they were grateful to be on the airplane, they were grateful to be with each other, they were grateful for where they were going – they were grateful for everything! I could have stayed on that plane and traveled around the world with them, it felt so good to be with them. And then it struck me that I had just received my final desire; Bora Bora was the last desire on my original long list, and the reason I was on that plane was before my very eyes – gratitude!I’ve shared this story as an inspiration for you, because no matter how big your desires seem to be, you can receive them through gratitude. Even more than that, gratitude will bring joy and happiness for life that you’ve never felt before, and that is truly priceless.

Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread the list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.

At the start of the day take your Top Ten Desire List that you created.

Read through each sentence and desire on your list, and for one minute imagine or visualize that you have received your desire. Feel as much gratitude as you can.

Carry your desire list with you today in your pocket. On at least two occasions in the day, take out your list, read through it, and feel as much gratitude as you can.

Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.

DAY 23

The Magical Air That You Breath

If someone had told me a few years back to be grateful for the air that I breathe, I would have thought the person was crazy. It wouldn’t have made a bit of sense to me; why on earth would anyone be grateful for the air they breathe?

But has my life changed from using gratitude, the things that I took for granted or didn’t give a second thought about became an absolute miracle to me. I went from sweating the small stuff in my little world and day-to-day life, to opening my eyes and thinking about the bigger picture and wonder of the Universe.

As the great scientist Newton said, “When I look at the solar system, I see the Earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat and light. This did not happen by chance.”

Those words made me think more and more about the bigger picture. It’s not an accident that there’s a protective atmosphere surrounding us, and that beyond it there’s no air or oxygen. It’s not an accident that the trees give off oxygen so that our atmosphere s continually replenished. It’s not an accident that our solar system is perfectly placed, and that if it were anywhere else in the galaxy we would most likely be devastated by cosmic radiation. There are thousands of parameters and ratios that support life on Earth; all of them are on a knife-edge, and their fine-tuning is so critical that a fraction of a difference is any of these parameters and ratios would make life unlivable on planet Earth. It is difficult to believe any of these things could have happened by accident. It would seem that they are perfectly designed, perfectly placed, perfectly balanced, for us!

When the realization hits you that all of these things might not be an accident and that the balance of every microscopic element surrounding Earth and on Earth is in perfect harmony to support us, you will feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for life, because all of it has been done to sustain you!

The magical air that you breathe is not an accident of a fluke of nature. When you think about the enormity of what had to take place in the Universe for us to have air, and you then take a breath, breathing air into your body becomes breathtaking in every sense of the word!

We take on the breath after another and never give a thought to the fact that there is always air for us to breathe. Yet oxygen is one of the most plentiful elements in our body, and as we breathe, it feeds every cell in our body so that we can continue to live. The most precious gift of our life is air because, without it, none of us would last more than a few minutes.

In ancient teachings it is said that when a person reaches the point of being deeply grateful for the air that they breathe, their gratitude will have reaches the new level of power, and they will have become the true alchemist, who can effortlessly turn every part of their life into gold!

Count Your Blessings: Make a list of the blessings. Write why you are grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.

Five times today, stop and think about the glorious air that you breathe. Take five breaths, and feel the feeling of the air moving inside your body, and feel the joy of breathing it out.

After you have taken the five breaths, say the magic words: Thank you for the magical air that I breathe. Be as grateful as you can for the precious, life-giving air that you breathe.

Just before you go to sleep tonight hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.

DAY 24

The Magic Wand

Have you ever wished you had a magic wand so that you could just wave your wand and help the people you love? Well, today’s magical practice will show you how you can use life’s real Magic Wand to help others!

When you fervently want to help another person you have immense power, but when you direct that power with gratitude, you really do have a Magic Wand that can help the people you care about.

Energy flows where your attention goes, and so when you direct the energy of gratitude toward another person’s needs, that’s where the energy goes. This is the very reason why Jesus said thank you before he performed a miracle. Gratitude is an invisible but real force of energy and coupled with the energy of your desire it is just like having a Magic Wand.

If you have a family member, friend, or anyone you care about who is lacking physical health, in financial trouble, unhappy in their work, stressed, suffering because a relationship has ended, lost confidence in him or herself, suffering from mental problems, or feeling down about their life, you can use the invisible force of gratitude to help them with their health, wealth, and happiness.

To wave your Magic Wand for another’s health, imagine that the person’s health has been fully restored, and say the magic words, thank you, in a heartfelt celebration of receiving the news that he or she is full of health again. You could imagine the person calling you to give you the news, or imagine them telling you I person, and really see and feel your reaction. When you a feel as grateful now as you would when you heard the news that person’s health had been fully restored it will guarantee that the gratitude you feel is as sincere and as powerful as it can be.

Magic Practice Number 24

The Magic Wand

 Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.

 Choose three people who you care about and who you would like to help with more health, wealth, happiness, or all three.

 If you have them, collect a photograph of each of the three people, and keep it in front of you while doing the Magic Wand practice.

 Take one person at a time, and hold their photograph in your hand. Close your eyes and for one minute visualize the person’s health, wealth or happiness has been fully restored, and you’re receiving the news.

 Open your eyes, and with the photograph still in your hand, say the magic words slowly: “Thank you. thank you, thank you for     Name’s   health, wealth, or happiness.”

 As you finish with one person, move on to the next person, and follow the same two steps until you’ve finished the Magic Wand practice for all three people.

 Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.

DAY 25

Cue The Magic

Today’s practice, Cue The Magic, is one of my favorite practices because it’s a game you play with the Universe, and it’s a lot of fun!Imagine That the Universe is friendly and caring and that it wants you to have everything you want in life. Because the Universe can’t just walk up and hand you what you want, it uses the law of attraction to give you signs and cues to help you receive your dreams. The Universe knows you have to feel gratitude to bring forth your dreams, so it plays its part in the fame by giving you personal cues to remind you to be grateful. It uses the people, circumstances, and events that surround you in your day as your magic cues to be grateful. It works like this:

If you hear an ambulance siren, the magic cue from the Universe is to be grateful for perfect health. If you see a police car, your magic cue is to be grateful for safety and security. If you see someone reading a newspaper, it’s your magic cue to be thankful for great news.

If you want to change the weight of your body, when you see another person with your perfect weight, it’s your magic cue from the Universe to be thankful for your perfect weight. If you want a romantic partner, when you see a couple madly in love it’s your magic cue to be grateful for the perfect partner. If you want to have a family, when you see babies and children, take the magic cue and be grateful for children. When you pass by your bank or an ATM, it’s your magic cue to be grateful for plenty of money. When you arrive at home, it’s your magic cue to be grateful for your home, and when a neighbour calls in to have a cup of coffee, or you wave to them across the street, it’s your magic cue to be grateful for your neighbours.

If you happen to see one of your material desires on your list, such as your dream house car, motorcycle, shoes, or computer, of course, it’s your magic cue from the Universe to be grateful for your desire now!

When you begin a new day, and someone says, “Good morning”, you’re being given a magic cue to be grateful for the good morning. If you come across someone who is really happy, it’s your magic cue to be grateful for happiness. And if you overhear another person saying thank you, anywhere at any time, it’s your magic cue to say thank you!

Magic Practice Number 25

Cue The Magic

 Count Your Blessings. Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.

 Today, be alert to what’s around you and take at least seven gratitude cues from the events in your day. For example, if you see someone with your perfect weight, say, “Thank you for my perfect weight!”

 Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.

DAY 26

Magically Transform Mistakes into Blessings

Every single mistake is a blessing in disguise. Today’s magical practice will prove it because you’re about to discover that there are actually untold blessings hidden within every mistake!

A child makes many mistakes while learning how to ride a bike or write, and we don’t give it a second thought because we know that through their mistakes they will learn and eventually master what they’re trying to do. So why is it that adults are so hard on themselves when they make a mistake? The same rule that applies to children also applies to you. We all make mistakes, and if we didn’t make them we’d never learn anything, and we wouldn’t grow any smarter or any wiser.

We have the freedom to make our own choices, and that means we don’t learn from the mistake we’ve made, the pain we’ve suffered from it has been for nothing. In fact, by the law of attraction, we will make the same mistake over and over again, until the consequences hurt us so much that we finally learn from it! It’s the very reason why mistakes hurt so that we do learn from them and don’t make them repeatedly.

To learn from a mistake, we first have to own it, and this is where many people can become undone because they often blame someone else for their mistake.

Let’s consider the scenario of being pulled over by the police for speeding and being given a speeding ticket. Instead of taking responsibility for the fact that we were speeding, we blame the police because they wore hiding in the bushes on the highway around a bend, we couldn’t see them, they had a radar gun, and so we didn’t stand a chance. But that mistake was ours, because we were the one who chose to speed.

The problem with blaming other people for our mistake is that we will still suffer the pain and consequences of our mistake, but we didn’t learn from it, and so bingo! We’ll attract making the same mistake again.

You are human, you will make mistakes, and it’s one of the most beautiful things about being human, but you must learn from your mistakes, otherwise, your life will give a lot of unnecessary pain.

How do you learn from a mistake? Gratitude!

No matter how bad something may seem, there are always, always, many things to be grateful for. When you look for as many things as you can to be grateful for in a mistake, you magically transform the mistake into blessings. Mistakes attract more mistakes, and blessings attract more blessings – which would you prefer?

Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.

Choose one mistake you made in your life.

Find a total of ten blessings you’re grateful for as a result of making that mistake, and write them down.

To help you find a blessing, you can ask your self the questions: What did I learn from that mistake? And: What are the good things that came out of the mistake?

Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.

DAY 27

The Magic Mirror

You can spend the rest of your life running around trying to beat the outside world into the shape you want, chasing one problem after another trying to fix them, complaining about situations or other people, and never succeed in living your life to the fullest and realizing all of your dreams. But when you make the magic of gratitude your way of life, everything in the world around you magically changes – just like that. Your world magically changes because you changed, so what you are attracting changes too.

In the inspirational words of Gandhi and in the lyrics of Michael Jackson’s song, “Man In The Mirror”, which impacted hundreds of millions, one of the most powerful messages of all time was delivered:

Change the person in the mirror, and your world will change.

If you have followed the 26 magical practices to this point, you have changed! And even though it is sometimes hard to see the changes in yourself, you will have felt the change in your happiness, and you will have felt the changes in your happiness, and you will have seen the change of improved circumstances in your life and the magical changes in the world around you.

You have practiced the magical power of gratitude for your family and friends, for your work, money, and health, for your dreams, and even for the people, you come across each day. But the person who deserves your gratitude more than anyone else is you.

When you are grateful to be the person in the mirror, feelings of dissatisfaction, discontentment, disappointment, or I’m-not-good-enough completely disappear. And with them, every dissatisfying, discontenting, and disappointing circumstance in your life magically disappears too.

Negative feelings about yourself cause the greatest damage to your life because they are more powerful than any feelings you have about anything or anyone else. Whenever you go and whatever you do you take those negative feelings with you in every moment, and those feelings taint everything you touch, and they act as a magnet, attracting more dissatisfaction, discontentment, and disappointment with everything you do.

When you are grateful to be you, you will only attract circumstances that make you feel even better about yourself. You have to be rich with good feelings about yourself to bring the riches of life to you. Gratitude for yourself enriches you!

Magic Practice Number 27

The Magic Mirror

 Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can.

 Each time you look at yourself in a mirror today, say thank you, and mean it more than you ever have before.

 If you’re really brave, while looking in the mirror say three things you’re grateful for about yourself.

 Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.

DAY 28

Remember The Magic

Every day is unique; there is no day like any other day. The good things that happen each day are forever different and forever changing, and so when you remember The Magic by counting yesterday’s blessings. every time. It’s just one of the reasons why Remember maintain the magic or gratitude in your life. No matter in the future, this magical practice will remain the most powerful practice for your entire life.

The easiest way to remember the blessings of yesterday is to start by remembering the beginning of the day when you woke up, and go back over the day in your mind, recollecting the major events of the morning, afternoon, and evening, until you reach the time when you went to bed. When you recall yesterday’s blessings it should be effortless; you are just scanning the surface of yesterday, and as you scan, the blessings will bubble to the surface of your mind.

Magic Practice Number 28

Remember The Magic

 Count Your Blessings: Make a list of ten blessings. Write why you’re grateful. Reread your list, and at the end of each blessing say thank you, thank you, thank you, and feel as grateful for that blessing as you can. You have written 280 blessings over the course of this book!

 Remember The Magic by counting the blessings of yesterday, and writing them down. Ask yourself the question: What are the good things that happened yesterday? Scan the surface of yesterday until you feel satisfied that you’ve remembered and written down all the blessings of the day.

 As you remember each one, simply say the magic words, thank you, for it in your mind.

 After today you can do this practice as a written list, or out loud or in your mind. You can make a quick list of the things you’re grateful for about yesterday or make a shorter and more detailed list and say why you’re grateful for them.

 Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.

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